Link Stitch with a Wool Felt Cover

Link stitch binding is a historical binding that looks suprisingly modern. It is known for the visible chains of sewing stitches linking across the spine. The books are flat when open, constructed without glue and very sturdy. Bind your two books of graph paper (knitters/engineers/gardeners?), plain paper or a combination. The covers are thick and flexible wool felt.
Saturday Oct 16th, 1:00-4:00
Tool list provided on registration
Stitches in Time 101: A Flatback Papercase
Start at the beginning - fold printed sheets into gatherings; form a book block by sewing the gatherings onto tapes; line the spine; construct the cover and attach book block to book cover. This version of the papercase has a rigid board spine and a non-adhesive rigid cover constructed of text weight paper. This paper weight is easy to work with and very suited to digital printing. We will bind a copy of Margaret Lock's Bookbinding Materials and Techniques 1700 - 1920 published by the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild. This book is an excellent concise history of fine and utilitarian binding.
Saturday Oct 30th, 1:00-4:00
Tool list provided on registration

The accordion is one of the earliest book structures and one of the most versatile. It can be viewed page by page or in its entirety. It works well in any size and with almost any paper. It can expand to accommodate inclusions such as photos. As the accordion is hinged rather than sewn, it avoids visible threads in the center fold of a 2 page spread. We will make several versions of this book.

Saturday Nov 13, 1:00-4:00
Tool list provided on registration
Quarter Leather Book

This class focuses on the principles of working with leather in constructing a case and in casing-in. We will work with a double fan-glued book block. However, the same principles apply to a sewn book block. The archival leather for the class is vegetable tanned locally, at Pergamena, a small family-owned tannery in Montgomery, NY.
Sunday Nov 21, 1:00-4:00
Tool list provided on registration